Whit Ayres appeared on WBUR’s show On Point to discuss the beginning of President Trump’s reelection campaign.
Whit Ayres appeared on WBUR’s show On Point to discuss the beginning of President Trump’s reelection campaign.
Whit Ayres’ comments in The Daily Caller regarding the President and the economy: “A normal president with these economic numbers would have job approval somewhere in the vicinity of 60 percent,” according to Republican pollster Whit Ayres. “But Donald Trump is a nontraditional president, and he has, at least at this point, severed the traditional...
Whit Ayres’s comments in The Washington Times on President Trump’s reelection prospects: Republican pollster Whit Ayres said the Midwestern states are always competitive, and polls at this point in the 2016 cycle likely showed Mr. Trump in a similar position. “It’s the economy that’s his ace in the hole. He’s very unlikely to change his basic message...
Whit Ayres appeared on the show “Planet America” on Australian Broadcasting Company to discuss the American political climate. The interview starts at the 9:40 mark. https://www.abc.net.au/news/programs/planet-america/?jwsource=cl